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33553 Results Found


White House releases federal action plan for HIV/AIDS strategy

The White House today released a federal action plan to accompany its updated National HIV/

CMS: CHIP and QHPs offer different levels of financial protection, benefits

Children’s Health Insurance Program plans and qualified health plans sold in the Health Insurance Marketplaces offer beneficiaries different levels of financial protection and benefits, accor

CDC: New diabetes cases decline

The number of new cases of diabetes diagnosed in the U.S.

Missouri health organizations endorse opioid prescribing recommendations

Six organizations representing Missouri health care providers are urging their members to adopt a core set of actions&

Hospital's journey to excellence leads to Baldrige award

2015 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award winner Charleston (W.Va.) Area Medical Center (CAMC) Health System began its Baldrige journey 15 years ago, because it “had an absolute obligation

CMS issues notice with comment period on 0.2% 'two-midnight' cut

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today issued a notice with comment period that disc

VA issues interim final rule for Veterans Choice Program

The Department of Veterans Affairs today issued an interim final rule revising medical regulati

MAP releases annual list of potential Medicare quality measures

The Measure Applications Partnership, which must review most Medicare quality and performance measures before formal rulemaking, has published a 

CMS seeks comment on 30-day, all-cause IPF readmission measure

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is seeking comment on its proposed measure of 30-day, all-cause unplanned readmission following psychiatric hospitalization in an inpatient psychiat

NQF: Integrate rural health providers into Medicare reporting programs

Rural health care providers should be integrated into Medicare’s public reporting and value-based payment programs, recommends a recent