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33575 Results Found


HRSA updates women's preventive health services guidelines

The Health Resources and Services Administration Dec.

Study: Uninsured rate drops in every state

The rate of uninsured adults dropped in every state and Washington, DC, in 2015, according to a

AHA report looks at role of health system leaders in improving community health

A new AHA report examines how five diverse health systems are working with stake

Reminder: Tomorrow last day to join HRET HIIN

The deadline to join the AHA’s Health Research & Educational Trust’s Hospital Improvement Innovation Network is tomorrow, Dec. 22.

CMS finalizes bundled payment models for cardiac and hip fracture care

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today finalized a new payment model that will bundle pay

HHS report to Congress shows increase in prescription drug spending

Growth in prescription drug spending has accelerated considerably in recent years, and it is projected to continue rising during the next decade,

Trust for America's Health releases emergency preparedness report card

A new report card from the Trust for America’s Health examines emergency preparedness on a state-by-state basis.

ASHHRA announces 2017 board members

The American Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration, an AHA personal membership group, welcomes

CDC issues Zika travel, testing guidance for Brownsville, TX

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued Zika-related travel and

Dec. 22 deadline to join HRET HIIN

The deadline to join the AHA’s Health Research & Educational Trust’s Hospital Improvement Innovation Network has been extended to Thursd