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33575 Results Found


CMS: Marketplace open enrollment activity outpacing last year

More than 11.5 million people selected a 2017 health plan through the Health Insurance Marketplaces as of Dec.

AHA Stat Blog: Hospital mergers promote value and quality

The drive to build a continuum of care that rewards value over volume is unlikely to abate because it’s what consumers demand, AHA General Counsel Melinda Reid Hatton writes in an AHA Stat

AHA Section for Health Care Systems names 2017 leaders

Joe McDonald, president and CEO of Catholic Health System in Buffalo, NY, will serve as 2017 council chairman of the AHA's Constituency Section for Health Care Systems.

AHA comments on MedPAC's draft recommendations for FY 2018

The AHA agrees with the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission that positive payment updates for the hospital inpatient and outpatient prospective payment systems are necessary in fiscal year 2018, t

Hospitals can preview quality data through Feb. 7

Hospitals participating in the inpatient and outpatient quality reporting programs can preview their quality data through Feb.

Hospitals add 10,700 jobs in December

Employment at the nation's hospitals rose by 0.21% in December to a seasonally adjusted 5,138,000 people, the Bureau of Labor Statistics

Journal publishes special issue on Zika virus global pandemic

The January issue of the Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, published by The College of American Pathologists, focuses on pathology and laboratory medicine aspects of the Zika virus glo

AHA Committee on Volunteers names 2017 chair

Margie Beadles, volunteer/auxilian at CoxHealth in Springfield, MO, is 2017 chair of the AHA’s Committee on Volunteers.

FDA alerts providers to safety risks with battery-powered mobile medical carts

The Food and Drug Administration recently warned health care facilities of potential safety risks associated with battery-powered mobile medical carts, including reports of explosion, fires, smokin

AHA recommends FDA leverage existing safety efforts to improve medical device safety

The Food and Drug Administration should see how much it can leverage existing safety efforts to gather evidence and information about medical device safety, rather than relying on a separate and po