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33575 Results Found


CDC: Flu vaccination prevented about 71,000 hospitalizations last flu season

Flu vaccination prevented an estimated 5.1 million flu-associated illnesses, 2.5 million flu-associated medical visits and 71,000 flu-associated hospitalizations during the 2015-2016 flu season, th

Web resource compiles promising practices for patients with complex needs

Five health care foundations today released an online resource on promising approaches to improving health outcomes for patients wi

Applications for AHA Health Care Transformation Fellowship due Dec. 15

Hospital and health system leaders are invited to apply through Dec. 15 for the AHA’s Health Care System Transformation Fellowship.

MedPAC discusses draft 2018 payment recommendations for hospital services

The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission today discussed a draft recommendation that would update payments for hospital inpatient and outpatient services in 2018 as outlined under current law, that

CMS posts final hospital MOON for implementation by March 8

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today posted its updated version of the

CMS announces two new patient engagement models

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Innovation Center today announced two Beneficiary En

House passes CR funding government through April 28

The House of Representatives today voted 326-96 to approve a continuing resolution (H.R

Senate passes 21st Century Cures Act

The Senate today voted 94-5 to approve the AHA-supported 21st Century Cures Act (

CMS removes prematurely posted Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has removed from its website an updated Medicare Outpatient Observation Notice, which it said was posted prematurely yesterday.