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33575 Results Found


AHA: NAIC model legislation would help protect consumers from out-of-network bills

Patients and their families should be protected from the financial burden of unexpected medical bills, AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack writes in a letter to the editor published

CMS webinar tomorrow on MIPS

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will host a Nov.

CDC: Zika-associated complications possible after birth

The absence of microcephaly at birth does not rule out congenital Zika virus infection or Zika-related brain abnormalities in infants born to mothers exposed to Zika virus during pregnancy, accordi

CMS announces risk corridor payments, charges for 2015 benefit year

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently

Report looks at programs to improve health care access to disaster sites

A report released this week by Healthcare Ready looks at health

Dec. 5 webinar to focus on strategies for health equity, diversity

The AHA’s Hospitals in Pursuit of Excellence initiative and Institute for Diversity in Health Management will host a free webinar Dec. 5 at 2 p.m.

AHA NOVA Award applications due by Dec. 2

The AHA is accepting nominations through Dec.

AHA weighs in on Senate Finance workgroup chronic care draft legislation

AHA today commended the Senate Finance Committee Chronic Care Working Group on the release of its recent draft legislation to address the needs of Medicare beneficiaries and recommended further ref

Sixth annual MAP review of potential Medicare quality measures underway

The Measure Applications Partnership today published a list of 97 measures under consider