Insights from AHA’s Quality Collective

Insights from AHA’s Quality Collective. New from the AHA. The cover of Learnings from AHA's Quality Collective: Strategies and Insights from Health Care Leaders Exploring Quality and Performance Improvement.

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted every aspect of health care delivery, both within the field and among the general population. This evolving landscape has presented hospitals and health systems with the dual challenge of implementing and sustaining quality improvement objectives.

To share strategies and insights from health care leaders exploring quality and performance, the AHA recently released its Quality Collective (QC) report.

Over the course of three months, the QC assembled some of the brightest minds in health care quality leadership. Their collaborative efforts were focused on co-designing strategies that not only address the current needs of the field but also shape its trajectory into the future.

The report provides deep-dive discussions about:

  • Clinical areas of success: including patient safety, infection prevention and control and emergency preparedness.
  • Cultural areas of success: including executive leadership commitment, workplace violence strategies and building performance improvement infrastructure and capacity.
  • Clinical areas for improvement: including behavioral health, employee engagement in quality improvement and the patient experience.
  • Cultural areas for improvement: including health equity, age-friendly care and board engagement.

Building on the success of the QC, the AHA has introduced the Patient Safety Initiative, a collaborative effort empowering hospitals to influence national health care safety discussions. It aims to enhance engagement, public trust and data accuracy while reducing preventable harms, inequities and administrative burdens. The initiative focuses on fostering a safety culture, addressing safety inequities and improving workforce safety.

The AHA, with its extensive membership, leads this initiative through research, collaboration and data sharing to transform patient safety, reinforcing commitment and leadership in the health care field.

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