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A city ordinance passed in 2020 prohibits massive deconstruction project debris from being hauled away to the dump. Instead, most of the material left from the brick-by-brick demolition of the Boulder Community Health hospital has been recycled and repurposed, keeping 60.8 million pounds out of the…
The kindness, thoughtfulness and compassion of the Cheyenne Regional Medical Center ED staff and providers surrounded Cindy Andrew throughout her stay.
Hartford HealthCare is partnering with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for a collaborative focused on holistic artificial intelligence in medicine.
The Culinary Medicine program combines “the joy of cooking with the science of nutrition to help patients, employees and the community achieve optimal health.”
Arkansas’ first human milk bank benefiting neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) in the state opened Sept. 6, 2023, as a partnership with Arkansas Children’s Hospital (ACH) and the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS).
Many babies who are born prematurely spend extra time in the hospital. But what happens when a baby is born more than three months early? In the case of Avah Fernandez, who earned “micro-preemie” status when she was born only 1 pound and 2 ounces at 23 weeks, that meant spending a year hospitalized…
Boost health care organizations’ communication in crises with tips, practical strategies and field examples for staff, patients, and the community.
In New Hampshire’s Upper Valley region, the Child Advocacy Center of Grafton and Sullivan counties at the Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center aims to combat child abuse and neglect by providing a safe place for children and families when there are concerns about these issues…
In early October, Abrazo Arizona Heart Hospital in Phoenix became the first health center in the state to implant the Watchman FLX Pro, which reduces risk for stroke by blocking off a part of the heart called the left atrial appendage.
Katie Belle Carmichael's exhibit, “Pups of Color,” which opened Oct. 15 on the hospital’s ground floor and was attended by some of the four-footed subjects, features portraits of the hospital’s therapy dogs who visited her room during her stays.