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As COVID-19 and its emerging variants continue to spread and the cold and flu season begins, hospitals and health systems are preparing early this year.
Colorado mom of a two-year old hospitalized for COVID-19 encourages people to get vaccinated “for our young children who can’t.”
Leaders of children’s hospitals applaud expanded vaccine eligibility among kids as an important step toward ending the pandemic.
As COVID-19 care demands “outstrip resources” at some Idaho hospitals, health care leaders came together to discuss how they are addressing the crisis and reiterate the solution: vaccination.
Palo Alto Medical Foundation/Sutter Health pediatrician leads national conversation on getting the unvaccinated vaccinated.
Palo Alto Medical Foundation/Sutter Health pediatrician leads national conversation on getting the unvaccinated vaccinated
Clinicians at Appalachian Regional Healthcare System in North Carolina held a COVID Care Vigil and talked frankly about the resurgence in COVID-19 hospitalizations: “This wave has broken our spirits.”
After vaccinating patients at discharge at one of its hospitals, University of Rochester Medicine deployed the process across its entire care network.