A Love Letter to Our Outpatient Rehabilitation staff

Telling the Hospital Story: Lovelace UNM Rehabilitation Hospital. Lovelace patient Cesar Colmenero and family pose with Lovelace staff

Two of the simplest words in the English language also carry the most power: Thank you.

That’s why Lily Colmenero made a special point of expressing her gratitude to several of the care teams and staff members at New Mexico’s Lovelace UNM Rehabilitation Hospital who provide ongoing compassionate care for her husband, Cesar, as he battles the effects of multiple sclerosis (MS) with bravery, determination and a willingness to fight back against this debilitating disease of the central nervous system.

In a heartfelt letter to the hospital, Lily wrote: “My husband has been blessed with a great care team, so I would like to recognize them individually and describe how they have been essential to my husband's success.”

The letter called out Lisa, Cesar’s occupational therapist.

“She always made it clear that Cesar's safety and quality of life at home were just as important to her as it was to us.”

And physical therapists Lindsay and Monica.

“They push him and keep him accountable to his goals, but Cesar always goes home with an uplifted spirit after a therapy session.”

As well as the hospital’s tech team and front office personnel.

“We have enjoyed working with each of them and building a rapport with their different personalities. It’s so nice to feel welcomed and wanted. There have been several occasions when we walked in the front door and have been greeted with ‘Good morning! I have checked you in, Cesar!”

Hospital staff report that Cesar has shown marked improvement in stamina, dexterity and strength since starting occupational and physical therapy at Lovelace UNM Rehabilitation Hospital.

A final thought from Lily Colmenero: “It is my deepest desire that all your patients experience this same level of considerate care, whether they are going through temporary therapy or need long-term care like my husband.”

Resources on the Role of Hospitals