AHA Center for Health Innovation Market Scan

AHA Center for Health Innovation’s Market Scan articles provide insights and analysis on the field’s latest developments in health care disruption, transformation and innovation.

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Last week at CES, formerly the Consumer Electronics Show, in Las Vegas, more than 500 different companies unveiled new health tech aimed at consumers, which — if adopted — could have implications for clinicians and provider organizations.
Epic, the electronic health records company, is revamping how its end users connect with third-party applications. In its Connection Hub slated to launch early next year, vendors with a connection to Epic can list their apps and self-report if they have achieved successful data exchange.
The recently released AHA 2023 Environmental Scan provides a data and analysis snapshot of where the health care field has been and where it’s headed to help executives plot their path forward.
With the recent launch of AWS Omics, Amazon Web Services is using artificial intelligence, machine learning and other AWS and partner products and services to speed the translation of this data into actionable intelligence.
AHA’s recently released 2023 Health Care Workforce Scan points out that member organizations are finding innovative ways to recruit, retain staff and build a robust worker pipeline for the future. The report also offers ways to reconnect clinicians to purpose and how to provide the support,…
Billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban had a simple mission when he established his Cost Plus Drugs venture in 2020 — to provide low-cost, high-quality pharmaceuticals to consumers.
During the recent HLTH conference, health care leaders from hospitals and health systems, digital health companies and others shared how they are teaming up to further accelerate rapid innovation and transformation in care delivery.
Amazon has launched Amazon Clinic, a virtual message-based service that connects consumers with third-party telehealth providers (including ones from SteadyMD and HealthTap) for diagnosis and treatment of 20 common health conditions including allergies, acne and hair loss.
In 2023, provider organizations can expect significant evolutionary changes in how to optimize patient engagement, the ever-expanding role that retail clinics will play in care delivery and some upheaval in venture capital funding for health care startups.