
AHA shares comments on two topics that were discussed during the January 2023 public meeting: Medicare Part B drug payments and telehealth services.
Even as signs indicate that inflation is slowing, a recent consumer survey conducted by Deloitte indicates that 28% of Americans, or roughly 72 million adults, feel less prepared to pay for medical costs than they did last year.
As the Congressional Telehealth Caucus considers updates to legislation that would permanently remove all geographic restrictions on Medicare telehealth services and expand originating sites, AHA encouraged House and Senate caucus leaders to consider adding provisions that have expanded access to…
After surveying more than 21,000 consumers since 2017, leaders from Accenture have found some interesting answers and developed conclusions about where health care organizations should invest to improve the patient experience.
AHA provides feedback to the Senate on the Creating Opportunities Now for Necessary and Effective Care Technologies (CONNECT) Act, and to support Congress’ continued efforts to transform health care through permanent telehealth reform.
AHA provides feedback on the Creating Opportunities Now for Necessary and Effective Care Technologies (CONNECT) Act, and to support Congress’ continued efforts to transform health care through permanent telehealth reform
Forty state Medicaid programs newly allowed or expanded audio-only telehealth services for behavioral health in 2022, and 39 expanded the types of behavioral health services eligible for telehealth delivery, according to a supplement to the annual Kaiser Family Foundation survey of state Medicaid…
Package funds government through Sept. 30 and includes important provisions preventing Medicare cuts, extending telehealth and other flexibilities and improving behavioral health, among others
$70 million is available for the Affordable Connectivity Program. About 15 million of an estimated 48 million eligible households are enrolled in the Affordable Connectivity Program. The Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program is a rare opportunity for states to establish broadband…
The recently released AHA 2023 Environmental Scan provides a data and analysis snapshot of where the health care field has been and where it’s headed to help executives plot their path forward.