
See how hospitals and health systems use community and patient need as the starting points for new telehealth services. These examples illustrate the ingenuity of providers that have created measurable improvements in patient outcomes and savings for the health care system.
Successful hospital and health system telehealth programs don't happen by accident. As hospital and health system executives start, grow and optimize their organizations' telehealth programs, they need to answer these 25 questions to reach their clinical and financial objectives.
Telehealth is part of a larger digital transformation in health care. The electronic health record, omnipresent mobile devices and faster internet connections have provided new ways for patients and providers to interact. As a result, hospitals and health systems need a strategy for their own…
Explore telehealth adoption in the United States at the state level. Drill down further to see detailed telehealth adoption by hospital type, bed size and much more!
With ever-increasing frequency, virtual assistant devices are finding their way into patient care. A recent report in STAT explains ways hospitals are finding new uses for these devices manufactured by Amazon, Google, Apple, Microsoft and others in areas like intensive care units and surgical…
It can be difficult to find creative ways to optimize the time of psychiatrists and other caregivers who treat mental health patients. Likewise, finding better ways to integrate behavioral health and primary care to improve patient access and outcomes can be challenging. Montefiore Health System in…
Patients are increasingly making decisions about who delivers their care and engaging in the delivery of that care digitally. Hospitals and health systems that are working now to increase the maturity of their telehealth capabilities will be well-positioned to meet patient demands for digital tools…
Montefiore Health System uses the Collaborative Care Model to better serve patients with significant medical and mental health conditions and socioeconomic challenges.
Backed by private investors ranging from former Goldman Sachs’ CFO David Viniar to BlackRock’s Larry Fink, 98point6 is melding a direct primary care subscription model with virtual care approach to give consumers a low-cost way to establish a relationship with a primary care physician.
The Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee today held a hearing to examine how primary care affects health care costs and outcomes.