
Making care accessible and affordable for patients is the goal for many hospitals. Explore how hospitals are implementing provider to provider and provider to patient telehealth services to improve access to care, enhance patient engagement and drive better outcomes.
Learn how hospitals are implementing provider to provider and provider to patient telehealth services to improve access to care, enhance patient engagement and drive better outcomes.
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center partners with rural and community hospitals throughout New England to provide telehealth specialty care so patients can stay closer to home. D-H’s telehealth approach improves outcome, lowers costs and supplements clinical staffing in rural areas.
The AHA today shared comments with congressional leaders as they are working to develop a framework for a “Cures 2.0,” legislative package that builds on the 21st Century Cures Act, which became law in December 2016. 
This issue brief examines how integration can take various forms based on provider, patient and community needs and how telebehavioral health can help in areas with shortages of behavioral health professionals.
The AHA today responded to a House Ways and Means Committee request for comments on priority topics as its Rural and Underserved Communities Health Task Force works to identify bipartisan policy options to improve care delivery and health outcomes in these communities.
More than 900,000 veterans used the Department of Veterans Affairs’ telehealth services in fiscal year 2019.
Digitally enabled consumer experiences are becoming must-haves rather than nice-to-haves for hospitals and health systems. And while health care leaders recognize that digital acumen is a new business imperative, achieving meaningful progress toward digital transformation remains incredibly…
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today issued a final rule updating physician fee schedule rates very slightly in calendar year 2020 — increasing the conversion factor by 5 cents.