
Ballad Health in Johnson City, Tennessee, recently completed an interesting pilot to improve communication around medication adherence. It worked with Grapefruit Health, a startup focused on addressing health care’s staffing shortage by creating a workforce solely comprising clinical students.
The Federal Communications Commission Dec. 12 rejected an application by Starlink for nearly $900 million in Rural Digital Opportunity Funds to bring broadband services to rural locations, including health care facilities, concluding the application failed to demonstrate the company could deliver…
The House Energy and Commerce Committee Dec. 6 advanced 19 health care bills, including legislation (H.R. 6364) that would prevent Medicare from publicizing a telehealth provider’s home address when the provider delivers telehealth services from their home.
In a letter submitted to the Senate Finance Subcommittee on Health for a hearing Nov. 14, the AHA expressed support for the CONNECT Act (S.2016/H.R. 4189) and urged Congress to allow Medicare beneficiaries to access telehealth services wherever they and their providers are and allow rural health…
AHA comments on ensuring Medicare beneficiary access to telehealth services and ensuring stability for providers.
CMS releases CY 2024 physician fee schedule final rule with a conversion factor cut of 3.4%. Read on to understand the impact on healthcare providers.
A new infographic by AHA explains how the Bipartisan Primary Care and Health Workforce Expansion Act’s (S. 2840) proposal to eliminate facility fees for telehealth services will impact access to care.
The Bipartisan Primary Care and Health Workforce Expansion Act (S. 2840) would cut hospital reimbursements by eliminating facility fees for telehealth services. The expansion of telehealth over the past few years has transformed health care delivery, improved access for millions of Americans, and…
While telehealth use has skyrocketed these last few years, our laws have not kept up.