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The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018

On Feb. 9, Congress passed and President Trump signed into law the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, a massive budget bill containing a number of priorities important to hospitals and health systems. In addition to funding the government until March 23, the bill also raises the debt ceiling and sets…
On February 9, Congress passed and President Trump signed into law the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, a massive budget bill containing a number of priorities important to hospitals and health systems. In addition to funding the government until March 23, the bill also raises the debt ceiling and…
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention yesterday released a congressionally-mandated report on the public health burden of traumatic brain injury in children and policy options to support care management for these children.
Panelists discussed proactive, preventative approaches to care aid in population health strategies, and a case study in targeting opioid substance use disorder in communities.
Panelists share transitional care strategies to help those who frequent their emergency departments, as well tips about how telemedicine has empowered them.
Congress Feb. 9 passed a budget bill containing a number of provisions important to hospitals and health systems.
House Republicans late last night introduced a stop-gap spending measure that would extend government funding until March 23, eliminate $5 billion in scheduled Medicaid disproportionate share hospital cuts for fiscal years 2018 and 2019, and extend several Medicare payment adjustments that support…
Live from the 2018 Rural Health Care Leadership Conference in Phoenix, Arizona.
More than 850 rural health care leaders are in Phoenix this week for the 31st Annual AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference.