Rural issues

In January 2016, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that 39 Shared Savings Program (SSP) Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) will participate in the ACO Investment Model (AIM).
Twelve health care organizations across the state have partnered to form the Community Care Partnership of Maine - an Accountable Care Organization (CCPM ACO).
By collaborating, hospital providers have expanded access, improved efficiency, enhanced the health of the population and maximized resource utilization by avoiding unnecessary duplication of services while directing patients toward the appropriate site of service.
By collaborating, hospital providers have expanded access, improved efficiency, enhanced the health of the population and maximized resource utilization by avoiding unnecessary duplication of services while directing patients toward the appropriate site of service.
Priya Bathija, staff liaison to the AHA Board Task Force, reviewed the report on Ensuring Access in Vulnerable Communities and discussed the nine strategies which these communities could consider to protect access to essential health care services.
"Super-utilizers" refers to a small section of the population accounting for a large portion of emergency room visits and puts a heavy burden on hospital services and public health budgets.
This issue of the CAH Update reviews Hill action on efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), reviews the federal budget, identifies AHA's advocacy agenda and outlines recent rulemaking and regulatory policy concerns effecting CAHs.
This issue of the Small or Rural Update reviews the state of play on several legislative and regulatory issues of particular importance to small and rural hospitals such as The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Also, please make plans to attend AHA's Rural Leadership Conference, Feb. 4-7.
2017 Webinar and Conference Call Series October 19, 2017 Emergency Medical Centers to Ensure a Medical Presence Agenda: