Price Transparency

Hospitals and health systems are committed to empowering patients and their families with all the information they need to live their healthiest lives. This includes ensuring they have access to accurate and timely price information when seeking care. Hospitals and health systems have made important progress in adopting federal price transparency requirements that require they both publicly post machine-readable files of a wide range of rate information and provide more consumer-friendly displays of pricing information for at least 300 shoppable services.

The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health May 17 considered a series of health care bills, including a number focused on provisions that would affect hospitals and health systems.
AHA shares hospital field’s comments on legislative proposals that are to be considered before the Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee on May 17.
In a statement submitted to the House Ways and Means Committee for a hearing May 16 on health care price transparency, AHA recommended Congress and the Administration streamline existing hospital price transparency requirements to reduce potential patient confusion and unnecessary regulatory burden…
Hospitals and health systems are committed to empowering patients with all the information they need to live their healthiest lives. This includes ensuring they have access to accurate price information when seeking care.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) yesterday released updated guidance on their process for monitoring and enforcing the Hospital Price Transparency rule.
The AHA strongly opposes legislation that would lead to additional site-neutral payment cuts and threaten access to patient care, Ashley Thompson, AHA senior vice president of public policy analysis and development, told the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health today during a hearing …
The AHA and its members are committed to promoting affordability and value to advance the health of our patients. Given the hearing’s focus of reducing health care costs, we provide comments on a number of policies aimed at increasing access to quality care at reduced costs.