Physician Issues

Download the full amicus brief below. Amicus American Hospital Association (“AHA”) respectfully submits this amicus curiae brief in support of Defendants Mark E. Cieniawski, M.D. and Michael B. Bruehl, M.D.’s Motions to Partially Vacate Conditional Transfer Orders (CTOs-47, -50, & -51). 
Please see the AHA Special Bulletin for a summary of the rule, including key takeaways for hospital and health system leaders, as well as AHA’s reaction.
To fully understand how physician practice and contracting arrangements and their relationships with hospitals are developed and affect care delivery, the AHA conducted a baseline survey of the nation’s hospitals and health systems to gather data on the types of relationships physicians and…
The AHA Physician Alliance supports clinical and administrative leadership collaborating effectively for better health of communities.
More than nine in 10 physicians say health plan prior authorization requirements have a negative impact on patient clinical outcomes.
House Democratic Caucus Chairman Joseph Crowley (D-NY) will speak at the AHA Annual Membership Meeting on May 7 in Washington, D.C.
AHA's Physician Alliance will host a webinar March 13 featuring Dan Diamond, M.D., on responding to difficult challenges, including physician burnout.
Below are six actions everyone can take to address burnout in their organization while helping themselves and colleagues on the road to resilience.
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The AHA has collected links to additional MACRA resources that you may find helpful.