Physician Fee Schedule (PFS)/MACRA/QPP

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on July 7 released the physician fee schedule (PFS) proposed rule for calendar year (CY) 2017. In addition to standard updates to the PFS payment rates and policies, the rule also includes proposed changes related to Medicare Advantage (MA) and…
These are model comments to guide AHA members in crafting their own comments to CMS CMS-5517-P, Medicare Program; Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and Alternative Payment Model (APM) Incentive Under the Physician Fee Schedule, and Criteria for Physician Focused Payment Models. All…
On April 27, CMS published a proposed rule implementing key provisions of the new quality payment program for physicians and other professionals mandated by the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) of 2015. Use AHA's model comment letter to assist you in submitting your comments.
Reps. Pat Tiberi (R-OH) and Ron Kind (D-WI) asks their colleagues to sign a Dear Colleague letter urging CMS to provide regulatory relief for both acute care hospitals and post-acute care providers entering into alternative payment models.