
This HPOE and the American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE) webinar focuses on how two health systems have successfully hardwired the role of front-line nurses in their organizations by participating in the AONE Care Innovation and Transformation (CIT) program. This work has led to…
By Maureen Swick The AHA supports an inclusive and diverse workforce that reflects the communities our members serve. During National Minority Health Month, the AHA Workforce Center highlights our hospitals’ commitment to increasing and supporting a diverse workforce. That commitment to a…
Press Release Kris Doody, RN to Receive AHA Board of Trustees Award The American Hospital Association (AHA) today announced that Kris Doody, RN, CEO of Cary Medical Center in Caribou, Maine will be awarded its 2017 Board of Trustees Award. The award is presented to individuals or groups who have…
For example, at Carolinas HealthCare System, a team led by nurses optimized the electronic health record process by reducing documentation, removing duplicate records and organizing the technology in a more user-friendly workflow. As a result, the health system eliminated 18 million clicks for…
It takes a team to run a hospital. But if you ask a patient who they interacted with the most, they’ll probably say a nurse. Nurses are on the front lines of medical care in hospitals, health clinics, schools, assisted living facilities and home health care. They are often the voice of the patient…
The American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE) will present members and others with 2017 awards for outstanding leadership during its annual meeting this week in Baltimore.
The American Organization of Nurse Executives on March 30 will present its 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award to Pamela Austin Thompson, AONE CEO emeritus. Thompson retired last July after serving 16 years as AONE CEO and as AHA senior vice president nursing and chief nursing officer since 2010.…
“I think one’s feelings waste themselves in words; they ought all to be distilled into actions which bring results” – Florence Nightingale In 1967, a collection of nurse administrators from the AHA Council of Nursing organized themselves into an AHA personal membership group to create a…
Of course, every day of every week, our teams working within hospitals dedicate time, skill and resources to provide safe, high-quality care to patients. During the week ahead, the AHA and its affiliates are highlighting webinars, podcasts, interviews and other resources focused on patient safety.
AHA supports and celebrates the hospitals and health systems that prioritize patient safety every day of every week. Patient Safety Awareness Week is March 10-16 and allows an opportunity to raise awareness about patient safety, celebrate successes and share resources.