Leveraging Technology

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In this AHA Advancing Health podcast, John Supplitt, senior director of AHA Rural Health Services, talks to Rachelle Schultz, CEO of Winona Health, about clinicians using artificial intelligence to identify and diagnose illnesses and injuries and recommend customized treatment plans, making primary…
Combining low-tech and high-tech solutions has the greatest potential to help hospitals and health systems reduce cost, improve outcomes and enhance the patient experience.
Rosemary Sheehan, chief human resource officer at Boston-based Partners Health Care, shares tips and best practices from the health system’s experience incorporating artificial intelligence.
In this AHA Stat Blog, Priya Bathija, vice president of AHA’s The Value Initiative, shares how The Value Initiative has progressed in its first two years and announces its new effort to encourage hospitals and health systems to take their work from paper to action.
Value was mentioned in nearly every conversation I joined.
Blockchain is a term that describes a system in which data are maintained and shared across a peer-to-peer network, rather than by a single authority. It’s most known as the technology underpinning cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, but it’s beginning to be used to improve significant inefficiencies in…
The AHA has formed a strategic alliance with AVIA, the leading partner for digital health insights, strategic guidance and consulting services. The alliance will combine the thought leadership and convening power of the AHA and AVIA’s expertise and resources in digital health to help hospital and…
The AHA Physician Alliance regularly convenes senior physician executives as part of its Physician Leadership Circle for high-level conversations around issues facing physician leaders.
The direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing market is booming after getting off to a slow start more than a decade ago. Millions of consumers are buying test kits and related services outside of health care providers to learn more about their ancestry, genealogy or kinship, risks of developing…