
Below are some leadership changes announced recently by hospitals and health systems.
Below are six actions everyone can take to address burnout in their organization while helping themselves and colleagues on the road to resilience.
Howard Berman – in his many roles as a health care administrator, an insurance CEO, a professor and author – dedicated his work to tackling health care management issues and contributing to association policy.
There is a mix of things leaders can do as they pilot an organization into an uncertain future.
The AHA is accepting nominations through March 16 for outstanding clinicians to serve on five at-large seats on its Committee on Clinical Leadership.
This video is an interview with John W. Bluford III, the former president and CEO of Truman Medical Centers, Kansas City, Missouri. It is part of the AHA Oral History Project.
Legislators need to be reminded that our patients and communities are depending on us more than ever before.
Sister Mary Roch Rocklage spent her entire career working in the health care ministry, and in the mid-1980s, she became the first president/CEO of the newly-formed Sisters of Mercy Health System.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Brenda Fitzgerald, M.D., an obstetrician-gynecologist who previously served as Georgia’s public health commissioner and president-elect of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, resigned today.
The Florida Blue retail centers are, in some sense, the “Genius Bar of Health Insurance.”