Innovation/New Models of Care

A complicated set of factors involving governmental and private-sector spending on health care will bring about significant changes over the next several years that will effectively flatten reimbursement levels, even as demand for services is expected to keep growing. While that’s generally bad…
Even as we continue to address COVD-19 challenges, let’s consider the experiences of the past year, looking for lessons learned and opportunities for the future. Here are four major areas that changed during the pandemic and are likely to keep transforming health care in the year ahead.
Six years after Banner Health created its Healthy Together Care Partnership, the HTCP team joined the American Hospital Association’s Age-Friendly Health Systems Action Community and began its journey to embed age-friendly care into practice. As a result, patient and provider satisfaction scores…
While it’s been difficult this year to predict what the next month will bring for health care, a few longer-term impacts are much clearer, including how digital health will continue to be transformed. Here are three predictions for 2021 by health care thought leaders.
In an effort to advance ideation and expand collaboration to improve health care, the Veterans Health Administration Innovation Ecosystem Innovators’ network (iNET) has launched the Greenhouse initiative. Health care innovators outside the VA now will be able to collaborate directly with iNET sites…
A new AHA case study highlights examples of capitated payment agreements that serve to increase the use and improve the quality of primary care services in rural communities.
The Department of Health and Human Services seeks information on innovative approaches and best practices developed to promote health care access, quality and value during the COVID-19 pandemic to inform the agency’s priorities and programs.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has selected 916 primary care practices and 37 regional health plan partners to participate in the Primary Care First model beginning Jan. 1.
Dr. Estes is joined by Kevin W. Sowers, President of the Johns Hopkins Health System and Executive Vice President of Johns Hopkins Medicine, to discuss how hospitals can move from relief, recovery, and rebuilding to reimagining and innovation.
As a result of the pandemic, many behavioral health hospitals and service lines have created COVID-19 + treatment programs, while some general hospitals are increasing screening and treatment for behavioral health disorders.