Innovation/New Models of Care

Align Hospitals, Physicians and other Clinical Providers Across the Continuum of Care Utilize Evidence-based Practices to Improve Quality and Patient Safety Improve Efficiency through Productivity and Financial Management Develop Integrated Information Systems This infographic highlights key…
Kaiser maintains a number of operating units to identify and test innovations. The Center for Total Health (Washington, D.C.) is an education facility. The Sydney R. Garfield Health Care Innovation Center (San Leandro, Calif.) is a testing facility for such activities as workflow and hospital…
Partner's created the Center for Connected Health to promote technology-enabled innovations in telehealth, remote care and disease management. This center created Healthrageous, a behavior change solution that delivers biometric monitoring and automated coaching to consumers through mobile…
Mayo Clinic has four operating units to create new tools, processes and businesses. The Division of Systems and Procedures is a consulting unit responsible for designing and implementing large and small process improvements. The Center for Innovation uses 'design thinking' to create new models of…
ICD-10 Educational Events Health Reform: Payment Systems, Quality Reporting, ACOs and ICD-10 as a Strategic Enabler Leadership Summit, July 19, 2011