Innovation/New Models of Care

Successful hospital and health system telehealth programs don't happen by accident. As hospital and health system executives start, grow and optimize their organizations' telehealth programs, they need to answer these 25 questions to reach their clinical and financial objectives.
Telehealth is part of a larger digital transformation in health care. The electronic health record, omnipresent mobile devices and faster internet connections have provided new ways for patients and providers to interact. As a result, hospitals and health systems need a strategy for their own…
Explore telehealth adoption in the United States at the state level. Drill down further to see detailed telehealth adoption by hospital type, bed size and much more!
Patients are increasingly making decisions about who delivers their care and engaging in the delivery of that care digitally. Hospitals and health systems that are working now to increase the maturity of their telehealth capabilities will be well-positioned to meet patient demands for digital tools…
In a move to help fellow health care organizations improve clinical outcomes, simplify patient access to information, lower costs and meet payer and business requirements, Providence St. Joseph Health has launched Ayin Health Solutions, a for-profit population health management company.
The rapid transformation of health care has made innovation nothing short of imperative for hospitals and health systems. But innovation can be especially difficult when organizations cannot see through the chaos of a complex, uncertain and volatile environment. In this convenient, one-day…
Hospitals participating in the first two years of the Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement model reduced Medicare spending for hip- and knee- replacement episodes by an average 3.1 percent more than hospitals not participating in the program, without an increase in complication rates.
As we all work to reduce cost and improve value; deliver superior outcomes; create new innovative delivery models; and develop new strategic alliances, there’s great opportunity for innovation.
The health care field is transforming. New entrants and unique partnerships are accelerating this transformation. Hospitals and health systems are preparing for the future by investing in innovative technologies and cultures. Teams, technology and data will spur the advancement of care coordination…
These 10 events, forces and trends — based on the collective insights from leading health care experts — should be on the radar of hospitals and health systems in 2019 as they prepare for a full and robust year of disruptive innovations from new market entrants and vertical integrators.