Innovation/New Models of Care

Learn how hospitals and health systems are implementing new value-based strategies to improve health care affordability in their communities. These examples illustrate work to redesign the delivery system, manage risk and new payment models, improve quality and outcomes and implement operational…
Many health systems are grappling with how to evolve their care delivery models, and which payment models can support their transformation goals. As hospitals develop a patient-centered value culture to achieve their transformation vision, they need to answer these 23 questions.
Hospitals are committed to increasing value and have taken steps to reduce cost, improve quality and enhance the patient experience. The 2018 AHA State of Value Survey shows that hospitals are committed to develop a culture where patient-centered value is a major focus for everyone in the…
Various care delivery and payment models that aim to achieve better care for patients, smarter spending and healthier communities are still evolving and being tested. As a result, health systems are implementing and refining a wide array of care delivery models.
Hospitals and health systems across the country are redesigning care delivery to improve quality and outcomes, enhance patient experience, and reduce costs with the ultimate goal of better population health. Testing and implementing new care delivery models that focus on prevention and better…
U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross Sunday presented the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award for performance excellence and innovation to Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center in Jasper, Ind.
All around us, we see exciting examples of bold thinking and experimentation to better serve patients. Already, many of these new models and methods are achieving positive results.
The types of telehealth technologies are as varied as the patients that the technologies are designed to help. That can make picking the right technology difficult. Find out the best practices for vetting telehealth vendors and their technologies and what red flags to watch out for.
In 2019, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services expanded Medicare coverage for virtual services and the agency provides waivers in some alternative payment models, but more fundamental change is needed to expand payment to all geographic areas and all services that are safe to provide via…
See how hospitals and health systems use community and patient need as the starting points for new telehealth services. These examples illustrate the ingenuity of providers that have created measurable improvements in patient outcomes and savings for the health care system.