
Health care can borrow from the startup playbook, embrace new mindsets and leverage the ingenuity and compassion that define our field’s connection to purpose, writes Andy Shin, chief operating officer for the AHA Center for Health Innovation.
The latest national “Futurescan” survey of health care executives found that 18% of respondents already have entered into at least three vertical partnerships with organizations in areas such as insurers and pharmaceutical companies, and another 63% are somewhat or very likely to do so within the…
Transforming health care to become more consumer-centered, less expensive and more innovative in where and how care is delivered has proven to be more challenging than many hospital and health system leaders envisioned. What’s more, many CEOs expect the pace of change to keep accelerating even as…
Maryjane Wurth, AHA executive vice president and chief operating officer, shares strategies and insights gleaned from last week’s J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Francisco.
Some of America’s largest companies have made it their business to disrupt health care. And in 2019, these six firms took significant steps to improve efficiency and make high-quality care more accessible. Here are some of their biggest moves.
Smarter, more efficient, more convenient. These goals are shaping transformation at hospitals and health systems throughout the country. As we drive innovative change to improve the patient experience, caregivers are using a fresh eye to assess their means and methods, looking for new ways to…
Innovation in action promises better care for patients, and also motivates the workforces of forward-looking hospitals and health systems. In this podcast, Priya Bathija, vice president of The Value Initiative, speaks with two senior leaders of New Jersey-based Atlantic Health System the rewards of…
The Food and Drug Administration today announced a voluntary pilot program to expedite approvals of certain changes to ethylene oxide sterilization processes and facilities.
The AHA and Concord Health Partners today announced the launch of a $50 million venture capital fund to invest in early-stage health care companies.
WASHINGTON (November 13, 2019) – As the health care landscape rapidly evolves, the American Hospital Association (AHA) has been pursuing multiple ways to lead and promote innovation in the field.