Hospital Data

Learn about the critical role of hospitals in safeguarding the nation from the next pandemic. Discover how hospitals' timely data helps the CDC in emergencies with AHA's hospital data.

AHA statement on interpretive guidance on CMS data collection and Medicare conditions of participation interim final rule from President and CEO Rick Pollack.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released guidance on how it will implement its August interim final rule that makes collecting and reporting COVID-19 data a condition of participation for hospitals that participate in Medicare.
Statement over the CMS interim final rule on data collection and Medicare conditions of participation (CoPs) from AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack .
As hospitals and health systems use data to improve care and optimize all areas of the care continuum, the AHA Center for Health Innovation offers expertise, tools and resources to better understand what it can do and how to use it to achieve meaningful results.
The Department of Health and Human Services released specifications for reporting certain COVID-19 laboratory data as required by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act.
The FBI is providing warning that a group of Iran-based malicious cyber actors was attempting to exploit CVE-2020-5902 as of early July 2020. This group has conducted a significant number of intrusions against US-based networks since August 2019, leveraging several CVEs pertaining to Virtual…
On 20 July, 2020, the first of what would become almost 4,000 unsecured and public-facing databases were completely destroyed. No explanation or ransom note was provided in what has been dubbed the ‘meow’ attacks. A number of recommendations on mitigating Meow attacks are available in the full…
The Emotet botnet, administered by the cybercrime group TA542, emerged from a five-month hiatus on July 13, 2020. Emotet, the number one malware of 2019, infects new devices by enticing victims to execute malicious macros embedded in Microsoft Word documents. Once infected, the devices may be…
The Trump administration is poised to ask governors to consider sending in the National Guard to hospitals to help improve data collection about novel coronavirus patients, supplies and capacity, according to draft letters, internal emails and hospital sector officials familiar with the plans, the…
Following the announcement of changes to its process for collecting daily COVID-19-reated data from hospitals, the Department of Health and Human Services today asked hospitals to prioritize the reporting of seven data fields starting tomorrow, July 15: