Hospital Data

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The first in a series, The Fenway Institute shares information on why collecting Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) data is beneficial.
This article from the CDC stresses the importance in collecting Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) data to provide better service to the LGBTQI+ community.
The Health Leads Social Health Data Toolkit is designed for a range of healthcare teams seeking to effectively collect and apply social health program data.
This racial equity tool is designed to integrate explicit consideration of racial equity in decisions, including policies, practices, programs, and budgets.
This brief provides tips to help your organization get started with collecting and using demographic data, an essential tool for understanding the impact of your work.
This document makes suggestions for designing, implementing, and assessing the impact of programs and investments through gathering and analyzing demographic data ensuring responsive and relevant approaches to impact.
This USICH and their federal and national partners publication addresses the racial inequities that exist across experiences of homelessness. The purpose of this guidance is to provide communities with a framework for gathering and assessing that data.
This resource guide lays the groundwork for an equity roadmap to support hospitals’ and health systems’ efforts toward achieving high-quality, equitable care for all. It focuses on the beginnings of data collection.