Financial Management

AHA statement for the record to the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health to provide the hospital perspective on how hospital mergers and acquisitions can expand and preserve access to quality care.
Hospital and health system margins improved slightly in March, but continue to sit at “razor-thin, near-zero levels,” putting hospitals in a vulnerable position should a recession or a new public health emergency materialize, according to the latest report on hospital finances by Kaufman Hall.
Research presented by acclaimed health care finances expert Lisa Goldstein, senior vice president for Kaufman Hall, show that times are tough but hospital leaders indicate there are silver linings from the COVID-19 pandemic that will pay dividends moving forward.  
In this podcast, the AHA's Bharath Krishnamurthy, director of Health Analytics and Policy, explores what the imbalance between the skyrocketing cost of drugs, supplies and labor and the continued underpayments from government payers means for patient care with Dr. Anthony Coleman, President and…
Financial reserves play an important role for not-for-profit hospitals and health systems in ensuring that they can continue to serve their communities in the face of challenging operational and financial headwinds, according to a new report prepared for the AHA by Kaufman Hall.
Hospitals and health systems are facing many significant challenges, including historic workforce shortages, soaring costs of providing care, cracks in the supply chain, severe underpayment by Medicare and Medicaid, and overwhelming regulatory and administrative burdens, just to name a few. These…
The AHA today released a new report that details the extraordinary financial pressures continuing to affect hospitals and health systems, as well as access to patient care.
Anyone unfamiliar with the financial structure of not-for-profit hospitals and health systems may question why these organizations carry often significant financial reserves on their balance sheets. The answer is straightforward: with limited sources of funding, hospitals and health systems rely on…
Labor costs and volume disruptions drove declines in operating margins for nonprofit hospitals and health systems in fiscal 2022, Moody’s Investors Service reported yesterday based on preliminary medians data from 132 health systems.
The AHA has previously noted the third party observers who demonstrate a tenuous grasp of the data and rules regarding federal hospital transparency requirements.