Artificial Intelligence (AI)

American Hospital Association resources on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, their impact on the health care field, and AI and machine learning innovation in hospitals and health systems.

Over the past several decades, technology in health care has been focused on capturing and storing data, and creating a robust electronic health record (EHR).
The American Hospital Association and Microsoft now offer a free, one-hour course, for continuing education credits, to guide health care teams through key considerations and specific actions for AI’s responsible and strategic implementation.
To help you understand how AI is meeting today’s challenges and shaping the health care field’s work, the American Hospital Association and Microsoft have teamed up to offer a unique free course, “AI in Health Care: Leading Through Change.”
Nothing has tested health care providers’ mettle to be more nimble, efficient and responsive than COVID-19. And now, with the future anything but clear, strategic thinkers, consultants and tech gurus have begun to reimagine the field’s future and what opportunities lie ahead.
In this podcast, Julia Resnick, senior program manager for The Value Initiative, speaks with Shannon Sale, chief strategy officer at Grady Health System in Atlanta, about how they're using artificial intelligence and predictive analytics to improve their population health strategy.
Harvard University’s Kennedy School, the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence and the United Nations recently collaborated on a platform to produce a decision-making tool that initially will focus on digital contact tracing of coronavirus infections. The platform, which…
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Winona (Minn.) Health is using an intelligent online exam tool built on an AI platform to automate care delivery and improve both efficiency and the patient experience for those in remote areas. Patients can access Winona Health’s SmartExam platform from Bright MD 24/7, complete an online…