AHA Center for Health Innovation

The AHA recently shared with members an updated resource, COVID-19 Pathways to Recovery, which includes considerations, questions and checklists for hospitals and health systems to consider as they work toward a safe, orderly return to providing comprehensive health care services to their…
As the focus of health care providers and consumers shifts to the next chapter of the COVID-19 pandemic — a phased approach to reopening society — hospitals and health systems face new realities. As time moves on, the need for safe medical care not related to COVID-19 becomes more important than…
Barb Edson, BSN, MBA, MHA, Executive Director for the University of North Carolina Health Care System (UNC HCS) Virtual Care Center shares her experience planning and implementing a telehealth program, including several case examples of how teamwork is critical to telehealth workflows. (Webinar…
The novel coronavirus is reshaping health care through technology. Recent advances, such as artificial intelligence, telehealth, virtual collaboration and data tracking are instrumental in addressing the virus and flattening the curve.
The AHA has developed a new resource, “COVID-19 Models: Forecasting the Pandemic’s Spread,” in response to members’ interest in tools that can help them make decisions that are consistent with their organizations’ values and community needs. The report provides an overview of and links to 11 models…
Erin Eckert, MPA, Education Coordinator, Duke Center for Healthcare Safety and Quality, discusses how TeamSTEPPS supports the teamwork principles underlying the National Incident Management System (NIMS). Erin also discusses common challenges to effective teamwork in incident management – both…
As hospitals and health systems work to combat COVID-19, digital resources can play a vital role in managing patient care, sharing information, providing community support and more.
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As the COVID-19 outbreak continues to challenge hospitals and health systems nationwide, many are responding with innovative solutions and new protocols to ensure patient safety. Leveraging telehealth services and moving testing and triage efforts associated with the new virus outside hospital…