AHA Center for Health Innovation

At this HCC info session, the AHA population health team will share a preview of the program’s learning objectives, logistics and application process.
The AHA Center for Health Innovation is looking for AHA member hospitals and health systems to join its new Hospital Community Collaborative (HCC) cohort. Participating health care providers and their partners will receive unique access to vital tools and resources to address social factors that…
AHA Team Training can partner directly with you and your organization to tailor a TeamSTEPPS solution based on your needs and challenges.
Many of the digital solutions we relied on during the pandemic will remain, making digital health equity, including digital access and literacy, even more important. As hospitals and health systems design and implement digital solutions, it will be imperative to take proactive steps so all…
AHA Team Training regularly hosts no-cost webinars, featuring TeamSTEPPS and other team training, leadership and communication related topics.
For all the challenges the pandemic has presented, it proved two important points. First, hospitals and health systems demonstrated that they could rapidly scale digital technologies to increase access and improve safety. Second, the value of having C-suite leaders who could lead and execute…
Advocate Aurora Health recently launched a subsidiary, Advocate Aurora Enterprises, focused on investing in companies that improve the overall health and well-being of patients. The launch reflects its strategy to employ a “whole-person” care model extending beyond medical treatment.
Our cyber adversaries are agnostic and collaborative in their approach — they assist each other to develop and launch malware and ransomware attacks against health care.
AHA is looking for hospitals and community partners to advance health equity. Applications for the 2021 Hospital Community Collaborative Cohort are now open.
The landscape is littered with failed ventures from well-intentioned, well-funded startups that set out to overhaul the employer-sponsored health care system. But the recent formal launch of Transcarent, a Silicon Valley health tech firm planning to transform employer-sponsored benefits, bears…