Advocacy & Public Policy

Resources from the American Hospital Association (AHA) on advocacy and public policy health care issues.

The American Health Care Act – a bill that would dramatically increase the number of Americans without health care coverage is scheduled for a vote on the House floor on Thursday. Now is the time for America’s hospitals and health systems to weigh in, so it is urgent for you to tell your…
This week, House Republicans unveiled a bill to repeal and replace parts of the Affordable Care Act. While we continue to work with lawmakers on advancing our health care system, we cannot support this bill in its current form.
While Congress passed a budget resolution last month “unlocking” the reconciliation process to repeal and replace or repair the Affordable Care Act, the January 27 deadline for the committees of jurisdiction to develop substantive legislation has come and gone. That’s why the options outlined…
Press Release Statement on CMS Proposed Rule to Increase Patients' Health Insurance Choices for 2018 Tom Nickels Executive Vice President American Hospital Association
With the AHA as a founding member, the Coalition to Protect America’s Health Care began almost 17 years ago as a major communications initiative of hospitals, national, state, regional and metropolitan hospital associations and businesses. It’s dedicated to telling the hospital story and helping…
Press Release Statement on the Court's Decision in the Anthem-Cigna Mega-Merger Rick Pollack AHA President and CEO
Press Release Statement on President Trump's Executive Order on Regulatory Relief Rick Pollack President and CEO American Hospital Association The regulatory burden that is imposed on hospitals and health systems is substantial and unsustainable, and has grown in recent years. We are…
Press Release Statement on President Trump's Executive Order on Immigration Rick Pollack President and CEO American Hospital Association A strong health care workforce is critical to ensuring patient access to high-quality care. However, we are concerned that, without modification, President…
Press Release New Research Finds Hospital Mergers Drive High-Value, High-Performing Health Care The American Hospital Association (AHA) today released new research that finds recent hospital mergers result in significant costs savings and quality improvements that cannot be replicated by looser…
Press Release Statement on the Aetna-Humana Deal Decision Rick Pollack AHA President and CEO Today’s decision rightly puts the needs of patients first in ensuring they have access to health care coverage that is affordable. The Court’s decision to halt the Aetna-Humana deal promises more than…