Access & Health Coverage

SAGRO BackgroundAbout SAGRO (State Association Government Relations Officers)SAGRO is a voluntary, nonprofit, unincorporated entity composed of state hospital association government relations and public policy professional staff. SAGRO's mission is:
This roadmap highlights the legislation of interest to hospitals that ismoving on several fronts this week: SCHIP, and the EconomicRecovery package.
Last week, the House and Senate passed alternative bills that would reauthorize and expand the State Children's Health Insurance Program \(SCHIP\), which is set to expire September 30.
The Health Coverage Coalition for the Uninsured \(HCCU\), a diverse group of national organizations that includes the AHA, today announced a consensus proposal to cover a significant portion of the nation's nearly 47 million uninsured people.
State Legislative and Regulatory ActivityState Health Programs To Cover The Uninsured, National Conference of State LegislaturesUpdated January 2009
State Legislative and Regulatory ActivityState Legislation Relating to Disclosure of Hospital and Health ChargesNational Conference of State Legislatures
Surveys and ReportsState Issues Forum Survey of Hospital Transparency Activities at the State Level, 2014Public Reporting an
JLARC Staff Gives Committee Preliminary CON ReportThe staff of the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee – known in Olympia as JLARC – gave a progress report to the committee at a hearing May 24 in Olympia
State, Regional and Metropolitan Association LinksArizonaPhysician Self Referral and the Impact of "Boutique" Hospitals