Three states expanded Medicaid eligibility in 2015, and many states improved their Medicaid enrollment and renewal processes and coordination with Health Insurance Marketplaces, according to the latest annual survey by the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured and Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families. As of January, 47 states are up to date processing Medicaid renewals and 34 states can process automated renewals using information from electronic data sources. Nearly all of the 38 states that rely on the federally-facilitated Marketplace can send and receive electronic data transfers between the state Medicaid agency and Marketplace, although 20 states are still reporting some problems or delays with the transfers. The survey also provides 2016 eligibility levels in all 50 states and the District of Columbia for children, pregnant women and non-disabled adults in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Eligibility levels vary significantly across groups and by state and Medicaid expansion status.

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