Access to Behavioral Health

For residents living in Chicago’s 60623 ZIP code, known as South Lawndale, Saint Anthony Hospital (SAH) Community Wellness Programs have provided a wide variety of free social and health-related services for more than 20 years. The safety-net hospital is committed to delivering high-quality care…
These AHA Trustee Services resources are designed to help hospital and health system boards navigate behavioral health issues including employee burnout, behavioral health integration, acute care, and opioid use disorder.
Read the July 2020 report for members of the American Hospital Association and the National Association for Behavioral Healthcare.
The Federal Communications Commission adopted rules establishing 988 as the nationwide phone number to connect people experiencing mental health crises to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, a network of 163 crisis centers that last year answered more than 2.2 million calls and 100,000 online…
At the peak of New York state’s COVID-19 outbreak, Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx was at the epicenter. For the behavioral health center, that meant greatly expanding its already innovative use of digital solutions to connect with its patients. This would be needed to continue to serve the…
.webreplay{ border: solid 2px #777; padding: 15px 5px; margin: 0 0 10px 15px; } @media (min-width:360px){ .webreplay{ min-width: 290px; float: right; } } On-demand Webinar   MktoForms2.loadForm("//", "734-ZTO-041", 5819); Rogers Behavioral Health…
As we mark July as Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, Harsh Trivedi, M.D., president and CEO of Sheppard Pratt Health System based in Baltimore, Md., and a member of the AHA Board of Trustees, writes that hospitals and health systems must improve behavioral health care access for Black,…
AHA is increasing efforts to aid hospitals and health systems in reaching out to minorities needing behavioral health help and connecting them with professionals who can best meet their needs.
The resources in this area showcase multiple clinical innovations, including how the integration of physical and behavioral health improves patient outcomes and satisfaction, and reduces the total cost of care; how digital solutions can expand access to care and fill gaps in the continuum of care,…