340B Drug Pricing Program

America’s hospitals and health systems, and our heroic caregivers, have been on the front lines of the battle against COVID-19 for the past year, working tirelessly to provide needed care to patients and communities.
The AHA, joined by member hospitals and health systems and other national organizations representing hospitals, yesterday filed petitions asking the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse appeals court decisions in two important cases for patients and providers. The two cases being appealed to the U.S.…
QUESTION PRESENTED: The question presented is whether Chevron deference permits HHS to set reimbursement rates based on acquisition cost and vary such rates by hospital group if it has not collected adequate hospital acquisition cost survey data.
Plaintiffs' Response to Order to Show Cause Opposition to Defendants' Motion to Dismiss and Reply in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for a Preliminary Injunction Re: 340B Contract Pharmacy
Order to show Cause RE: Dismissal for Lack of Subject-Matter Jurisdiction
Please contact your representatives today and ask them to sign onto a bipartisan “Dear Colleague” letter to Xavier Becerra, the nominee for Department of Health and Human Services Secretary, asking him to take immediate action to ensure that manufacturers are prohibited from imposing unilateral…
Yesterday counsel for AHA and the four other national groups participants and three individual hospital systems that sued the Department of Health and Human Services over its failure to halt drug company actions that undermine the 340B program sent letters demanding that the offending…
AHA urges drug companies urged to provide discounts to 340B community pharmacies.