340B Drug Pricing Program

State and regional hospital associations filed friend-of-the-court briefs supporting AHA’s request for the U.S. Supreme Court to review two circuit court decisions last July that threaten continued access to care for hospital outpatients in need.
Amicus Brief-State and Regional Hosp Associations 340B Case
Memorandum in Support of Motion to Intervene regarding 340B Contract Pharmacy
The AHA 340B Advocacy Alliance today, Feb. 22 at 3 p.m. ET will provide an update on the many legal cases and issues surrounding the 340B drug savings program. This call is for AHA members only, and you must register for the call in order to participate.
Order granting motion to dismiss regarding 340B Contract Pharmacy.
The AHA 340B Advocacy Alliance Feb. 22 at 3 p.m. ET will provide an update on the many legal cases and issues surrounding the 340B Drug Pricing Program.
Instead of attacking hospitals and health systems caring for patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, PhRMA should instead focus on lowering the costs of drugs for Americans, writes AHA Executive Vice President Tom Nickels.
The AHA, joined by member hospitals and health systems and other national organizations representing hospitals, filed petitions asking the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse appeals court decisions in two important cases for patients and providers.