Executive Leadership and Governance

Action Planning is a critical step in collectively advancing equity and dismantling structural barriers (e.g., racism, sexism, ageism, etc.) in hospitals and health care systems. This Transformation Action Planner is for hospitals at Immersing on the Equitable and Inclusive Organizational Policies…
Action Planning is a critical step in collectively advancing equity and dismantling structural barriers (e.g., racism, sexism, ageism, etc.) in hospitals and health care systems. This Transformation Action Planner is for hospitals at Committing on the Equitable and Inclusive Organizational Policies…
Action Planning is a critical step in collectively advancing equity and dismantling structural barriers (e.g., racism, sexism, ageism, etc.) in hospitals and health care systems. This Transformation Action Planner is for hospitals at Exploring on the Equitable and Inclusive Organizational Policies…
This toolkit looks at place-based investment strategies, with an integrated capital approach, which create positive community impacts traditionally overlooked.
This article outlines the benefits of ERGs while identifying ways for institutions to support involved staff, both internally and publicly, who are primarily volunteers. Black employees who are part of ERGs may feel burnt out and this article focuses on their involvement in ERGs and ways their…
The following nine steps break down these main phases into action steps employers can take to develop a DE&I initiative.
The aim of this tool kit is to help organizations review and consider changes to policies such as these to make sure that they are equitable for all employees and members, and for their community.
This article looks at DEI and how it is valued or unvalued in organizations. It is more common for employees who are attempting to do DEI work to be penalized or disregarded. The article offers a the "MERIT" framework to guide leaders in making their employees feel valued to do the work for DEI.
In this conversation, AHA’s Sue Ellen Wagner, vice president of Trustee Services, is joined by Carol Lovin, the executive vice president, chief integration officer, and system chief of staff at Atrium Health.
America’s hospitals face significant, ongoing financial instability as the ravages of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to fester. Kaufman Hall projects hospitals nationwide will lose an estimated $54 billion in net income over the course of the year, even taking into account federal Coronavirus Aid,…