
Evidence on the Effects of Nurses' Strikes
On July 2, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services \(CMS\) released the outpatient prospective payment system \(OPPS\) and ambulatory surgical center \(ASC\) proposed rule for calendar year \(CY\) 2011. In addition to updating OPPS and ASC payment weights and rates, the proposed rule…
Outpatient Prospective Payment System Payments in 2010 to proposed payments in 2011 Addendum A
On June 24, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology \(ONC\) published in the Federal Register a final rule establishing a temporary certification program for health information technology. The rule, available at…
In late March, President Obama enacted the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 \(PPACA\). The law contains a number of grants and contract opportunities for states, hospitals and other health care entities.
Congress returns today from a week-long Independence Day district work period. However, the legislative calendar is packed with less than a month remaining until the August recess.
The Department of Labor \(DOL\) in the May 20 Federal Register published a final rule implementing the requirement of Executive Order 13496 \(E.O. 13496\) for federal contractors and subcontractors to post notices informing employees of their rights under federal labor laws.
Includes PPACA Changes to GME and Physician Self-Referral