
Peter Budetti, MD, JD, Deputy Administrator & Director CMS Center for Program Integrity
Peter Budetti, MD, JD, Deputy Administrator & Director CMS Center for Program Integrity
Angela Brice-Smith, Director of the Medicaid Integrity Group, CMS Center for Program Integrity
How Medicare and Medicaid Auditors Auditors Can Receive a 'Double Kickback' From the Government as Qui Tam Plaintiffs, BNA Law Reporter Article
To assist hospitals in working with health information technology \(IT\) vendors to achieve meaningful use, the AHA has developed the following guidelines for EHR contracting. These guidelines address the most common issues for hospitals thatlicense EHR software applications and/or obtain related…
Larry Phillips, DCSW Program Coordinator
Performance Improvement Case Example: Riverside Health System, Newport News, VA
Slides from the Task Force On Variation in Health Care Spending