
On Nov. 18, the CMS published its final rule for calendar year 2017 with changes to the Medicare physician fee schedule and other revisions under Medicare Part B.
Talking Points on Revisiting the Affordable Care Act (ACA)
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has posted the statements of work for its new Medicare Recovery Audit Contractors, a map depicting the new RAC regions and contact information for each RAC.
The 114th Congress finished its work last week, and lawmakers have returned to their districts for the holidays.
Hospital field's contribution to coverage in the ACA.
The Senate today passed the 21st Century Cures Act, and President Obama is expected to sign the bill, which passed the House Dec. 1, into law.
Speaker's Bio: Heidi May-Stoulil, Director of Mental Health Operations, Samaritan Health Services
Court orders HHS to eliminate ALJ appeals backlog
Speaker's Bio: Caroline Fisher, MD, Ph.D, Vice President and Chair of Mental Health, Samaritan Health Services
On Oct. 14, the CMS published a final rule implementing key provisions of the new quality payment program for physicians and other professionals mandated by the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015.