
A Monthly Report for Members of the American Hospital Association and the National Association of Psychiatric Health Systems,
Update on Key Issues in the Behavioral Health Care Field: February 2017
Congressional leaders and President Trumps administration have made repeal and replace of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) one of their top legislative priorities, with a goal of having a bill on the President-elects desk as soon as possible.
Healthcare and Public Health Sector Cyberdependencies
HHS finalizes changes to Medicare appeals process
Accountable Care Act frequently asked questions
The Value of Patient/Peer Advisory Groups: Improving Behavioral Health Services at Northern Kaiser Permanente, Oakland, CA Held January 18, 2017 Please join a small group of your executive colleagues for a conference call and discussion. Stuart Buttlaire, Ph.D., Regional Director of Inpatient…
The HHS Jan. 13 issued a final rule that makes changes to the procedures for Administrative Law Judge appeals of payment and coverage determinations for items and services provided to Medicare beneficiaries, in addition to other Medicare appeals.
The CMS today released a final rule limiting states ability to increase or create new pass-through payments for hospitals, physicians or nursing homes under Medicaid managed care contracts.
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