
The AHA has developed a model comment letter that hospitals and health systems can use to submit comments to CMS about these proposals. Download the letter and use it to submit your comments to CMS by Sept. 27.
A federal judge today ruled in favor of the AHA and hospital organizations saying that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services exceeded its statutory authority when it reduced payments for hospital outpatient services provided in off-campus provider-based departments grandfathered under…
The increasing prevalence of AI in health care will have significant impacts on the workforce — new roles, competencies and skills.
To slice through the hype, hospital and health system executives need to know what questions to ask a potential vendor, whether it’s to assist with a homegrown AI project or outsource 100% of all AI projects.
Crucial issues for hospitals and health systems are on Congress’ agenda
Affordability is one of the most important factors affecting Americans’ ability to access health care.
Recent articles in both national and local media have again put hospital billing and collection practices into the spotlight. The AHA continues to encourage all member hospitals and health systems to review their policies and procedures, and how they are presented to patients and the public. As…
The Issue “Medicare for All” these days – a catch-all label that has become a part of the political dialogue – represents a variety of health coverage proposals that would do everything from establish a national health insurance program with no competition to create a public, Medicare-like option…
Some policymakers have expressed interest in “network matching” as a solution to surprise medical bills. To date, the only proposal defining such an approach, which was ultimately rejected, was included in the discussion draft of the Senate HELP Committee’s “Lower Health Care Costs Act.”