
The AHA and other national health care groups yesterday urged the Department of Health and Human Services to protect 340B hospitals and the vulnerable communities they serve “from actions taken by five of the nation’s largest pharmaceutical manufacturers that undermine access to critical drugs and…
Please contact your senators and representative today and ask them to urge the White House and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to reinstate the COVID-19 Provider Relief Fund (PRF) reporting requirements outlined in HHS’s June 19 FAQ that defined both expenses and lost revenues…
New definition will have adverse effect on hospitals, especially those serving rural and vulnerable communities
As hospitals and health systems across the country begin and continue the “recovery” process during the COVID-19 outbreak, the AHA is keeping you updated with the latest information and resources. An important area to address is the role of governing boards as hospitals and health systems resume…
This podcast highlights issues such as: prospective board authorizations for emergency spending and policy modifications; logistics for emergency board meetings and decision making; how boards can support and equally importantly not be a burden to management; clarifying emergency authority between…
This newsletter updates readers on general federal advocacy and policy actions as well as those that are COVID-19 related.
AHA 340B Advocacy Alliance Member Only Webinar September 16, 2020
AHA Advocacy Update Podcast. Listen to AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack and Executive Vice President of Government Relations and Public Policy Tom Nickels discuss the latest activity in Washington. They talk about what actions are expected on the political horizon and the implications they could…