
American Hospital Association content that is available to the public and all website users.

Health for Life background report on Best Information.
Community Accountability and Transparency: Helping Hospitals Better Serve Their CommunitiesCommunity Connections
The American Hospital Association and America's hospitals are committed to doing everything we can to better serve patients and to treat them equitably, with dignity, compassion, and respect from the bedside to the billing office. This document is a consolidation of existing AHA policies and…
AHA joines GHA, AlHA and FHA in filing an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court supporting Houston Medical Center's request for review of a case involving the protection of peer review records.
Survey of Voters: Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South CarolinaPublic Opinion Strategies / Greenburg, Quinlan, Rosner Research
Illinois Hospital Association's Behavioral Health Steering Committee Best Practices Task Force's Final Report: Best Practices for the Treatment of Patients with Mental and Substance Use Illnesses in the Emergency Department \(Updated October 2007\)
National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) Releases Shocking Report on Seclusion & Restraint in U.S.
Specialty Treatment ProgramsAddiction ServicesSAMHSA's Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention (SBI) for Trauma Patients: Committee on Trauma Quick