
American Hospital Association content that is available to the public and all website users.

Litigation backgrounder for Alamedia County Medical Center, et al. v. Michael Leavitt, Secretary, US Department of Health & Human Services
The American Hospital Association (AHA) presented two federal hospital leaders with awards recognizing their outstanding service to the health care field.
Provena Covenant Medical Center filed an amicus brief with the Appellate Court of Ill. in an appeal of the Seventh Judicial District Court's decision reversing the decision made by the Ill. Department of Revenue.
AHA Statement before the FCC's Joint Advisory Committee on Communications Capabilities of Emergency Medical and Public Health Care Facilities.
AHA Amicus Brief filed in the Supreme Court in support of the Chamber of Commerce. Question Presented: Whether the State of California's regulation ofnon-coercive employer speech about union organizing, California Assembly Bill No. 1889, Cal. Gov't Code 16645.2, 16645.7, is preempted by federal…
AHA Hospitals are Hurting Ad, asking House members to sign the Brady Wilson letter urging President-elect Obama to maintain the economic health of America's hospitals.