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The University of Alabama at Birmingham Geriatric Education Center provides geriatric education to faculty and health care professionals. All educational presentations and materials are interprofessional and integrate the National Standards on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services.
Health plans and provider communities share a need for quality information that promotes culturally competent care in a format that streamlines, simplifies and standardizes the necessary tools and materials. The Health Industry Collaboration Effort, Inc., is a national non-profit volunteer group of…
The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the Texas Health Institute developed a framework for assessing national research and programs on climate change and environmental priorities for vulnerable populations, especially communities of color. Vulnerability to climate change differs…
A collaborative effort among Harborview Medical Center, two massage schools, the Southeast Seattle Senior Foundation and a group of older Somali women to address the muskuloskeletal pain and social isolation of older Somali women.
Although it is accepted that cultural competency training is a vital part of reducing health disparities, ensuring that trainees are 'ready' is an important first step. This case study looks at models to promote trainee readiness to reduce health disparities.
To help those with reading and language challenges, UVA Health System staff developed a curriculum that aids their understanding and navigation of a hospital and health care setting. This project seeks to transform the experience of low literacy patients from the community with the ultimate aim of…
The YWCA of Greater Milwaukee created a diversity training program focused on race and racism, in partnership with Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare. With the YWCA's mission centered on eliminating racism, and the health care system's commitment to diversity and inclusion from an employee/…
The University of Michigan Health System used lean management and the plan-do-check-act cycle to improve the quality of interpretation services across all languages.
The University of Maryland College Park, School of Public Health and its Center for Health Literacy developed a cultural and health literacy competency primer. The primer is intended to serve as a resource guide on cultural competency and health literacy for educators of health professional…
Disparities in care were noted for diabetes, cardio vascular disease and cancer screeening for Hmong patients at a local family clinic. However, the perception of their care was that they had received excellent care. The case study looks at some of the reasons why they perceived the care was…