
American Hospital Association content that is available to the public and all website users.

The Florida Hospital Association highlights its quality improvement initiatives with several reports. It starts with Five Years of Quality, a narrative of improvement strategies implemented in Florida hospitals. Readers can also discover other achievements of the FHA in the reports below.…
Goal-Reduce and prevent medical errors by adopting best practices and procedures. The Patient Safety Organization of Florida is jointly managed by the Floriday Hospital Association and the South Florida Hospital & Healthcare Association. The two organizations teamed with the ECRI Institute, an…
Goal-Save lives, reduce suffering and lower costs related to complications of surgery.
After a decade of war and an unprecedented number of combat deployments, our service members, veterans and their families are faced with the consequences of war's invisible wounds. Representing roughly 25 percent of the U.S. population, this group has experienced clinically significant…
At North Shore-LIJ Health System, teamwork is everywhere. This New York health system uses TeamSTEPPS—Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety—an evidence-based program developed by the Department of Defense and Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.…
The Collaborative on Reducing Hospital Readmissions GoalUnderstand readmission causes and adopt practices to significantly reduce the number of patients returning to the hospital after discharge, focusing on those most likely to be readmitted: patients experiencing heart failure, heart attack,…
Partnership for Patients Hospital Engagement Network GoalsReduce patient harm by 40 percent and hospital readmissions by 20 percent in three years. Reduce early elective deliveries – scheduled births before 39 weeks – to fewer than 3 percent percent of all Florida births by 2013.
On the Cusp Initiative GoalReduce the occurrence of two frequent hospital-acquired infections—urinary tract and bloodstream—while improving hospital culture and increasing adoption of safety practices. A related initiative, the Florida Perinatal Quality Collaborative, targeted…
This report highlights five years of quality improvement among Florida hospitals. It highlights 'Florida Firsts,' a list of quality initiatives first implemented in Florida.